Sunday, August 28, 2011

MONDAY 110829

Clean Pulls
3-3-3-3-3  ;  rest 2-3 min  1st from ground next 2 from hang




400 m Run
21 KB Swings  53/35
12 Pullups


  1. Hi,
    Pam said the workout was great sorry I missed, I don't seem to function at 5:30 Monday Morning, I will be back on Wednesday

  2. Helen is one of the all time great WODs. I look forward to doing it again.
    5 X 5 back squat 185 x 4, 205
    5 minute AirDyne test: 120 Calories.

  3. taking some time off definitely has impacted my running. 14:00 (20 red) not my best Helen time.

  4. clean pulls - 135,185,185,206,206 - smashed my thumbs good so I must be doing the grip right :-)

    wod - 11:25
    all my kb swings were unbroken so that was better than last time, need to do better on my pullups. That 30 knot headwind was a treat!

    great times, Bond and Mimi!

  5. Anonymous29/8/11 21:22

    Sam- Thanks a lot for letting me grab a WOD today. Your gym environment was very welcoming and professional, which is hard to find at some boxes. Helen was great and I am super glad I pulled a PR at your box! Everyone on here your coaches are top notch!!!!!! Until next time, keep hitting it hard and stay safe.
    -D (will)
