Sunday, August 8, 2010

Monday 100809

Paleo Challenge begins today. Note the new web-page with the food list. Please stop by the gym for your info packet and rules even if you aren't planning on a WOD.

"Filthy Fifty"
for time:
50 box jumps  24" box
50 jumping pull ups
50 swings  1 pood
50 walking lunges
50 knees to elbows
50 push press  45 lb
50 back extensions
50 wall balls  20/14 to 10'
50 burpees
50 double unders

post times and notes to comments


  1. 37:54. 6+ minutes slower than my fastest time. (I promise I didn't throw my time) I did tuck jumps instead of double unders.

  2. 25:28 New PR! Gotta love Filthies..

  3. Anonymous9/8/10 14:13

    I would love to wake up tomorrow and find that the filthy fifty made me the sexy sixty. Finished at 24 burpies.

  4. Anonymous9/8/10 14:14

    Hope you all know that I am anonymous. Pam

  5. Anonymous9/8/10 16:36

    I thought you all might like to know how buff we don't look after the filthy fifty. I needed to drop off some food at the soup kitchen after the workout. Of course I looked wrung out with chalk all over myself, sweat all over my shirt,beet red face, dripping hair and walking in considerable pain. Upon entering the soup kitchen with food in tow, a lady came to meet me with a placemat,napkin and utensils. "Would you like to sit here?" "Yes, I'm starved.I just got out of the gym." "I'm sorry, Mame, we don't feed people after their gym workout." So, I just dropped off the food donation and went home to chese and ham. Pam

  6. Funny story Pam! One of us should help you set up your account so you don't have to be anonymous anymore--maybe even with a picture!

    I did the WOD at Crossfit Asylum in Boise:
    Overhead squats: 65-75-85
    Snatch balance: 55-60-65
    Hang snatch: 45F-45F-45 got close!
    Then AMRAP in 10 minutes:
    5 KBS (2 pood)
    10 K2E
    15 Burpees
    My score: 4 and 13 burpees.

  7. oh goodness! Well I got the same as last time only this time Rx'ed.

    Lori to 23 burpees
    Deryk finished burpees
    Justin to 5 burpees.

    Glad this one is done for another few months.

  8. haha. pam your so funny! and you are doing awesome!! way to go!
    i got to 9 burpees... what a workout!

  9. so i finished the 50 burpees before time expired, but my time was 39:09, which was about 4 minutes faster than last time. i felt so so slow, i am not sure if its my pregnant body or just the wod, but i will say, it was "filthy" for sure.

  10. I got maybe?? 75 singles on jump rope before the time ran out. My actual time was 37:07 by the time I finished. I've never done this one and wow, it was killer. Not really looking forward to tomorrow's.

  11. 35:06!
    I really like my time, last time I did not finish, so this time I did with time to spare
