Thursday, December 2, 2010

Friday 101203

100 med-ball clean & toss 20/14
(toss is defined as a wall-ball shot)
for time
Every min on the min, you must pick up
your ball and run 1 wall sprint (50' down and back)

Post times and notes to comments.


  1. Anonymous3/12/10 08:01

    Had I been able to walk to the computer yesterday I would have been able to post. As it was I had to crawl and didn't get here until this morning. 11:42 without mercy from Parker.I will be moving the computer to my bedside. From now on, with the new whining policy, I will only be whining on line unless they decide to ban that. Pam

  2. Unfortunately I'm not going to make it today! My goal for next week is at least 4 days! Happy weekend!

  3. 10:58. My sprint was more like a waddle carrying the med ball. I didn't hear Pam whine even once. She did great. Of course, Pam brought a boom box and played country music while we did the WOD. Maybe that helped!

  4. 11:24, good wod, hard to do med ball cleans/wall balls fast but I was able to keep good pace.

  5. Sam Harmer3/12/10 14:19

    Smiley, just your luck. I know a place where you can getting the yelling you want while on your row. In fact they might yell at you during all your exercises

  6. WOD
    7 rounds for time:
    10 pull ups
    10 kb swings 53/35

    6:52. Anytime I can get to within 12 seconds of Brandon's time, is a good day.

  7. 13:48, took a little while to get into a good rythmn, but was a good wod once i got into it.

  8. We were so excited to see what Pam's "ipod" had on it. 12:57 Just in time to not have to run another sprint.
