Thursday, January 27, 2011

Friday 110128

20 min: find your 1RM Power Clean


Bottom to Bottom Tabata Squats


  1. 175 lbs on the Power clean. 13 was my low number on the Tabata squats--which set a new personal record for the amount of lactic acid in my thighs!

  2. No power cleans, still nursing the shoulder but on Tabata squats my low was 9. I can't believe how hard it is to hold that squat at the bottom! Yikes!

  3. 180 on power cleans. Felt like I should be able to do more but my technique is in need of help. 15 was my low on the tabata. Man those hurt.

  4. 205/10 and my legs think sitting in the bottom of the squat is wrong....

  5. I've sat too long and I can't get up. Jeff I am feeling those lactic acid levels too. Skill work on the cleans. They are still kicking my tail. Tabatas. 11

  6. did not really go for my 1rm, but did some power cleans, got #95, which has kinda been my nemesis, so i was pretty happy. the tabata squats i got 7, way hard too.
