Monday, July 26, 2010

Tuesday 100727

Notice: Coming Soon to Maltese CrossFitPALEO DIET CHALLENGE Details to follow.

part 1. 
run 200 m
20 T2B
20 box jumps  24/20
20 pull up
rest 30 sec.

part 2.
100 double unders
50 squats
30 push ups
rest 30 sec

part 3.
in 5 min complete
50 SDHP  (95/65) and then;
amrap burpees in time remaining.

Each part has a 5 min time cap.  Go until you complete the rx'd work or time expires.
After 5 min is up there will be 30 seconds of rest before the next part begins.  The faster
you complete the work in parts 1 and 2 the longer your rest will be.  In part 3, however,
everyone goes the entire 5 min. 

post times, or work completed (if time expired), and notes to comments
ie 1. 4:15, 2. to 10 push ups, 3. 42 burpees


  1. 4:18. 26 Pushups (subbing tuck jumps for DUs). 4 Burpees. Challenging work out, at least for me.

  2. 1. 6 pullups 2. 21 squats 3. 8 burpees (300 single jumpropes and 45# for sdhp)

  3. 03:19/ DNF (73 DU)/ 18 burpees (95)

  4. This was much harder than I thought it would be! Round 1: 10 pull ups, Round 2: 10 squats, Round 3: 5 Burpees (I subbed 300 singles for the Double Unders but I was able to do 65# SDHP). Very challenging.

  5. 1. 17 pullups
    2. 8 squats, 100 DU's come on
    3. 4 burpees
