Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Thursday 100513

A glimpse of the apollon axel bars we will be deadlifting saturday.  2" diameter.


Burpee Ladder
with a continously running clock, do 1 burpee the first min.  2 the second, 3 the third, etc. untill you reach 20 minutes or can no longer complete the number of burpees within that min. 

post minutes completed and notes to comments
(and I expect to see some comments)


  1. 15 complete rounds...14 into my 16th round, I was so close!!

  2. Brandon 15 rounds
    Jess M 11 rounds
    Tory S. time keeping cooking eater.....
    Mark P. waiting for his post from the peanut gallory.....

  3. Don't eat dinner then try to do a burpee ladder 1 hr later! 8pm station 3
    15 rds and 12 burpees on 16th. Then dinner again!!! bad!

  4. sounds llike 15 was the lucky number for this wod

  5. I was traveling yesterday, but everyone seems to have had so much fun (especially Mimi) that I am going to do this one on Sunday!

  6. josh, you are posting such good times lately. good job buddy!

  7. 1 got through the 17th round. i got to 15 on the 18th round. kyle was telling me my times and taking pictures, so if ya'll need a coach...
