Monday, November 8, 2010

Tuesday 101109

Today's 9:30 class is postponed till 10:00 am

5 rounds for time
200 m row
20 box jumps 24/20

post times and notes to comments

Watch the on combat challenge on you computer @ FFCC.TV


  1. 11:37. Did this one at 3's and had to modify the 20" box to get a 24 incher...had to keep resetting the platform to keep from plowing into the wall more than once (blood).

  2. 10:17. Fortunately, I did not have to re-set my platform. I was too oxygen deprived to have accomplished it! I need to work on my rowing. Shane destroyed me rowing.

  3. Still working on my "mind-over-matter." I found that even though my body was saying "there's no way!", the fact of the matter is that I was still able to keep going when I forced myself.

  4. 9:03 used 20"for the box jump

  5. 10:49 Whew! Good thing I had Mimi right there in front of me making me motivated to keep going.

  6. Doc, my rows would have felt harder had I used a 24" box. You destroy ME on mobility! Hope to never loose function in a leg or a foot ever again :/ Good workout

  7. 8:54... Did I ever say how much I hate rowing?
