Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Thursday 100729

Today-AM Classes only.  No classes at Maltese CrossFit Friday or Saturday

8x200m sprint @ 100% effort
begin each sprint every 3 min on the min.

Beware, the burpee penalty may be lurking......

post notes and each sprint time to comments

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Wednesday 100728

What is CrossFit (video)
Courtesy of
(no it's not the same as Monday's)

3 rounds for time of:

30 wallballs
20 below the knee to overhead  65/45
10 weighted overhead backwards lunges

post times and notes to comments

Monday, July 26, 2010

Tuesday 100727

Notice: Coming Soon to Maltese CrossFitPALEO DIET CHALLENGE Details to follow.

part 1. 
run 200 m
20 T2B
20 box jumps  24/20
20 pull up
rest 30 sec.

part 2.
100 double unders
50 squats
30 push ups
rest 30 sec

part 3.
in 5 min complete
50 SDHP  (95/65) and then;
amrap burpees in time remaining.

Each part has a 5 min time cap.  Go until you complete the rx'd work or time expires.
After 5 min is up there will be 30 seconds of rest before the next part begins.  The faster
you complete the work in parts 1 and 2 the longer your rest will be.  In part 3, however,
everyone goes the entire 5 min. 

post times, or work completed (if time expired), and notes to comments
ie 1. 4:15, 2. to 10 push ups, 3. 42 burpees

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Monday 100726

2 of the Blue Angels FA/18 Hornets in Idaho Falls on saturday.
What is CrossFit (video)


"CrossFit Total"

1 back squat
1 shoulder press
1 deadlift

post total, 1RM from all three lifts and notes to comments

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Friday 100723

800 m run
21 sdhp  65/95
21 burpee box jump
400 m run
15 sdhp
15 burpee box jump
200 m run
9 sdhp
9 burpee box jump

post notes and times to comments

Thursday 100722


3 rounds for time of:

50 double unders
15 swings  53/35
15 pull ups

post times and notes to comments

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Wednesday 100721

Notice: The 11:00am class has been moved back to 12:00 for today only.

10 deadlifts  255/165
20 push ups
9 deadlifts
19 push ups
8 deadlifts
18 push ups
7 deadlifts
17 push ups
6 deadlifts
16 push ups
5 deadlifts
15 push ups
4 deadlifts
14 push ups
3 dead lifts
13 push ups
 2 deadlifts
12 push ups
1 deadlift
11 push ups
for time:

post times and notes to comments

Monday, July 19, 2010

Tuesday 100720


Front Squats
5 x 3-4 reps
tabata ring rows

post notes, loads, and tabata score to comments

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Monday 100719


4 rounds for time of:
400 m run
15 thrusters 95/65
30 sit ups

Post times and notes to comments

Friday, July 16, 2010

Saturday 100717


40 swings  53/35
overhead weaighted walk 40 m. 135/95
40 front squat w/ KB  53/35
overhead weighted walk 40 m
30 swings
overhead weighted walk 40 m
30 front squats w/ KB
overhead weighted walk 40 m
20 swings
overhead weighted walk 40 m
20 front squats w/ KB
for time:

post times and notes to comments

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Friday 100716

The Keiser force machine.
A 160lb beam, driven 5' with a 9lb shot hammer.

Class is going to be held at Freeman Park.  Meet by the memorial at class time.
5:30a, 11a, and 3:30p classes only.


Run 5 k

post notes and times to comments

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Thursday 100715

AMRAP 3 min
Rest 5 min
AMRAP 3 min
Push ups
Rest 5 min
AMRAP 3 min
Overhead walking lunges

Post number of reps from each and notes to comments

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Wednesday 100714


AMRAP 15 min of:
1 squat clean
3 jerks  push or split
5 pull ups

post rounds and notes to comments

Monday, July 12, 2010

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Monday 100712


"G.I. Jane"

100 burpee pull-ups
for time

there are two requirements.  chest hits the deck, and chin over the bar on every rep.
be sure to check out the video.
G.I. Jane [wmv]

post notes and times to comments

Friday, July 9, 2010

Saturday 100710


For time:

Broad jump 50 yards counting the number of jumps
Lunge that many times alternating legs, maximizing stride
Deadlift bodyweight that many reps
Box jump that many reps
Squat that many reps

post times, jumps, and notes to comments

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Friday 100709

photo courtesy of


Hang Power Snatch
3 x 4-5 reps
AMRAP 4 min
box jumps  24/20

post notes, loads, and jumps to comments

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Thursday 100708

Skill work
pose running


20 min run
cover as much distance as you can

post distances and notes to comments

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Wednesday 100707


rep rounds of:
walking lunges
thrusters  95/65
knees to elbows
pull ups

post times and notes to comments

Monday, July 5, 2010

Tuesday 100706


3 sets of 4-5 reps
for times:
25 burpees
rest 2 min
25 burpees

post times, loads and notes to comments

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Friday 100702

Reminder: No Classes at Maltese CrossFit Saturday or Monday.  Everyone have a great and safe holiday!

On the min every min for
30 min complete:
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

Go until you can no longer complete all 30 reps in one min. That min is your score. Complete AMRAP with time remaining.

Post score, rounds, and notes to comments.