Monday, April 5, 2010


Puyallup fairgrounds. Site of the NW Regional Qualifier.

skill work
push press (find your 1RM)


7 rounds of
1 power clean
2 front squats
3 push press 
20 sit ups
for time

Use 75% of your 1RM for your complex weight.  Once you pick-up the bar, you do not put it down until you have completed the complex.

Challenge of the Week:  Hands only rope climbs

post thoughts and times to comments


  1. Cody S. Anderson6/4/10 17:17

    Push press max is 145#
    75% is 110#
    My time was 9:51...yeah, I know...I'm working on it.

    Thanks Parker and Harmer for the site and the help.

  2. Anonymous6/4/10 21:35

    Max 185# PR
    9:23 with 135#

  3. push press max 106# new pr.
    and sub the wod, did 1 power clean (81#), 3 front squats, 5 deadlifts plus 20 sut ups. 9:29.
