Friday, April 30, 2010

Saturday 100501

amtap seated med-ball tosses with a partner. feet must remain elevated and backs off the floor.  a distance of 4 feet  between each duo.


AMRAP 15 min
weighted overhead walking lunges 100'
wallballs 20/14
pull ups

while one lunges, the others do amrap of the other two movements. everyone rotates on completion of lunges.

post notes, tosses, and rounds to comments

Thursday, April 29, 2010


L-sits x 4-total seconds


6 rounds for time
run 200m
15 burpees

post times and notes to comments

Wednesday, April 28, 2010



5 rounds for time of:
7 thrusters  115/85
21 box jumps  24/20

post times and notes to comments

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


skill work:
push jerk


100 swings  53/35
50 knees 2 elbows
for time.

post time and notes to comments

Monday, April 26, 2010


unbroken double unders


for total reps:
AMRAP Burpees in 1 minute
rest 3 min x 7

post total reps and notes to comments

Sunday, April 25, 2010


As you can see here, the NW qualifier will be held on dirt. 

skill work
the clean


hang power cleans


post loads and notes to comments

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Another shot of the NW qualifier site. Albeit not a very clear one.

Today (friday) is Wayne and Jessica's last day with us.  We'll miss you, and good luck. Come and visit us soon.


3 rounds for time
10 front squats  135/95
sprint (wall to curb to wall)
20 burpees

reminder: no 5:30 class today and no classes on saturday.

post good-byes, times, and notes to comments.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


       More NW Qualifier equip...just in.

Skill work
push and split jerk

rep rounds of:
double unders
sit ups

post times and notes to comments

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


First load of equipment for the NW qualifier.


unbroken ring rows
[full extension of elbow and shoulder at bottom,
rings to chest at the top]


150 push ups for time:

[the catch: every time you come out of the plank position you must sprint 140m (parking lot down and back)
this means no resting in the bottom but you may pause as long as you like at the top, in a plank.]

post rows, times, sprints and notes to comments

Monday, April 19, 2010


4 rounds
800m run
rest exactly 5 min

post times for each run and notes to comments

Sunday, April 18, 2010



"CrossFit Total"

back squat
shoulder press

3 attempts for your 1RM at each movement.  Total weight lifted is your score.
post individual loads, total, and notes to comments

Friday, April 16, 2010


Team WOD

as a team, complete:
tire flip (length of the parking lot)
250 double unders
tire flip (back to the other end)
run 800m (each of you)
100 burpees

post times and notes to comments

Thursday, April 15, 2010


History of the Maltese Cross

The Maltese cross is known around the world as a symbol of the fire service. It is often seen painted on fire trucks, on the clothing of firefighters, depicted on firefighters badges, and is quite often the chosen design of firefighter tattoos. So where did the Maltese cross come from, and how did it get to be known as a symbol of the fire service?

The Badge of a Fire Fighter is the Maltese Cross. The Maltese Cross is a symbol of protection and a badge of honor. Its story is hundreds of years old.

When a courageous band of crusaders known as Knights of St. John fought the Saracens for possessi on of the holy land, they encountered a new weapon unknown to European warriors. It was a simple, but horrible device of war. It wrought excruciating pain and agonizing death upon the brave fighters for the cross. The Saracens weapon was fire.

As the crusaders advanced on the walls of the city, they were struck by glass bombs containing naphtha. When they became saturated with the highly flammable liquid, the Saracens hurled a flaming torch into their midst. Hundreds of the knights were burned alive; others risked their lives to save their brothers-in-arms from dying painful, fiery deaths.

Thus, these men became our first Fire Fighters and the first of a long list of courageous Fire Fighters. Their heroic efforts were recognized by fellow crusaders who awarded each hero a badge of honor-a cross similar to the one fire fighters wear today. Since the Knights of St. John lived for close to four centuries on a little island in the Mediterranean Sea named Malta, the cross came to be known as the Maltese Cross.

The Maltese Cross is your symbol of protection. It means that the Fire Fighter who wears this cross is willing to lay down his life for you just as the crusaders sacrificed their lives for their fellow man so many years ago. The Maltese Cross is a Fire Fighter's badge of honor, signifying that he works in courage...a ladder rung away from death.


push press 115/75
boxjumps 24/20
post notes and times to comments

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


When doing the clean and the snatch, max vertical force cannot be applied until the torso is also vertical.


AMRAP 20 min of:
400m run
max rep pull ups

max reps from when you grap the bar till you let go.

post notes, rounds, and pull up reps to comments

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


skill work
handstand and hspu


tabata mash up

your lowest score from each movement added together is your mash up score
post notes and scores to comments

Monday, April 12, 2010


100' walking lunge
21 push up
21 sit up
100' walking lunge
18 push up
18 sit up
100' walking lunge
15 push up
15 sit up
100' walking lunge
12 push up
12 sit up
100' walking lunge
9 push up
9 sit up
100' walking lunge
6 push up
6 sit up

knee touches floor on lunges, chest to deck on push up, no abmat for sit up
post times and thoughts to comments

Sunday, April 11, 2010


5x5, sets of DL "touch and go" unbroken.
rest exactly 1 min b/t sets
("touch and go" is exactly what it sounds like, down and touch the floor and immediately pull back up, and unbroken means all reps with out stopping)


10 suicide sprints (aka shuttles, ladders)
1 every min on the min.  post the # of sprints completed on the min. 
with the first line at 10 m and the second at 20m and one at 30m, run and touch the first, than return and touch the start line.  then run and touch the second and return and touch the start line and finally run and touch the third and return through the start line.  Touch each line with your hand.

Post loads and sprints to comments

Friday, April 9, 2010


Run 5k

Class at Freeman Park.  Meet at the memorial at your respective class times.  Dress accordingly and be ready for some fun.  For those who don't already know, 5k=3 1/8 miles

post times and thoughts to comments

Thursday, April 8, 2010


50 wall balls
40 burpees
30 toe 2 bar
20 push-up
10 OHS

Post time and weight to comments

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Challenge of the day
strict pull-ups unbroken


5 rounds for time:
200 m run
20 swings (70/53-44/35)
20 box jumps  24/20

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Unbroken KBS


25 broad jumps
50 pull-ups
100 squats
For time

Post KB weight and reps, time and thoughts to comments.
Ie 1.5 pood 45 reps, wod time 4:36

Monday, April 5, 2010


Puyallup fairgrounds. Site of the NW Regional Qualifier.

skill work
push press (find your 1RM)


7 rounds of
1 power clean
2 front squats
3 push press 
20 sit ups
for time

Use 75% of your 1RM for your complex weight.  Once you pick-up the bar, you do not put it down until you have completed the complex.

Challenge of the Week:  Hands only rope climbs

post thoughts and times to comments

Sunday, April 4, 2010


skill work
power and squat clean


AMRAP 12 min:
5 wall sprints  (down and back)
10 burpees

Friday, April 2, 2010


skill work


AMRAP for reps in 10 min:
snatch 95/65
wall ball 20/14

teams of 3-5
with only 2 people working at a time. 1 per movement.
perform as many reps as possible in the time allowed.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


"cindy is dead"

10 rounds for time:

5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats
3 deadlifts  275/165

post thoughts and times to comments